How  to Transfer OVO to GoPay  Easily : Blog2

No hassle here are 8 ways to  transfer OVO to GoP an

Want to know without being complicated, here are 8 ways to  transfer OVO to  GoPay that need to be understood.  There must   be many Indonesians who already have many types of wallets online,  one of them is Dana, GoPay, OVO and others.  For customers who are new users, they definitely struggle to perform trans actions.

Especially if the transaction takes place between one virtual wallet and another. For that, you need to know the steps to make this virtual wallet transfer easy.  Even users can quickly process reverse  transfer transactions too. In an age where  everything  is instantaneous, the use of online wallets  is  increasingly crowded.

This is because all transactions can run very easily using the virtual wallet. Not only that, this new innovation in the financial sector also has its own charm, as it offers many types of attractive promotions. So it’s not strange when more and more people use it.

When it comes to virtual wallets like OVO itself, it has a lot of fans. Even  these transaction tools can  also  be used to  send money to well-known banks in Indonesia. To have access to it, you need an internet connection and additional devices such as smartphones. If the connection is smooth, the transaction process is quick.

Get to know the OVO digital wallet

With this innovative online payment method, you don’t have to bring cash if you want to run transactions. To get this account, you can download  an  application only through the official store.   So that the hassle-free  negotiation process is like 8 ways to  transfer OVO to GoPay – can be done.

After that, register where you  need to enter  your  personal data along with your mobile phone number.  If account creation is approved, you can use it as a wallet.   In the application itself, users can find two types of funds, namely OVO points and cash. For points themselves are the p oin collected.

This could be through cash back or other promotions from existing apps.  Each 1 point is worth only 1 rupiah. Therefore, if you have 50,000 points, this means that the money you have is 50 thousand rupiah.  In addition, cash reserves  for OVO are  the value they have.

With cash in this application, you can use these 8 ways without hassle  to  easily  transfer OVO to GoPay and other transactions. This cash reserve itself can be used when paying to various merchants. If you use this digital wallet, you will usually get money back.

In addition, you can earn OVO points yourself  , you can use them as when using cash from the application. However, the scope itself is not broad. Meanwhile, if you want to see the balance, you just need to open the APK, then you will see how much money you have in it.

How  to Transfer OVO to GoPay  Easily

Before carrying out the transfer process, you must first pay attention to a few important points. The first is to pay attention to the online wallet account used, which is both active and verified. The trick is to provide a photo of the original ID card.  In addition, the balance that will be transferred is  OVO cash.

Therefore, before making a transaction, make sure that your virtual wallet balance has its contents.  By simply fulfilling these conditions, the transaction process can  take place.  After that, you can do without complicated  things, here are 8 ways  to  transfer OVO to GoPay that must be followed.

  1. First step of oop APK on slimfoon
  2. If you already have it open, select the transfer option in the menu
  3. Then write what is the nominal amount of money transferred
  4. Only then can you choose the jewel bank option
  5. Then do not forget to enter the account number, here you need to fill it out with the active mobile phone number and start with 898
  6. If so, you can click on transfer
  7. Don’t forget to choose to confirm
  8. All online   wallet transfer processes were successful, then notification is displayed if the transaction is successful

Without being complicated, here are 8 ways to transfer OVO to GoPay that can be exported.  If you manage to get a successful transaction notification, the balance is deducted automatically  . After that, the user just needs to check the abundant balance whether it is specified or not.  If you do not accept it, please contact FP immediately.

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This process of sending money can be done not only to cops, but also  other  virtual wallets or bank accounts.  You just need to follow the guidelines exactly. If you do not understand, please contact us immediately as cs of OVO.  All complaints about online transactions  will  receive the best answer.

Before the transfer knew it

If you  want to execute  a transaction,  that’s pretty easy, especially if  the  things that might be needed match the terms. It turns  out,  without being complicated, these 8 ways  to  transfer OVO to  GoPay make it easier for users who  want to carry out transactional activities.    But before  starting cross-operation, users need to  know some of the important points.

Supaya  the activities that are going on can go smoothly, so make sure the important part is understood first. For this reason, we will briefly explain what needs to be understood before the transaction process takes place. The first relates to the transfer fee. Each transfer is charged 2500 rupiah.

Of course, this name is very cheap, since using a bank costs more, which is 6-7500 rupiah. In addition, the minimum number of transactions should also be considered. Theminimum you do a trans action is 10,000 rupiah.   So that it can be more  and it can not be less.    OVO is  often used as an easy choice  for  small amounts of tran sphere trip.

With the help of an online wallet, transfers run very quickly.  Just a few seconds it works. You don’t have to worry about the pending. Because few users are satisfied with our service. For that reason, if you want a short traverse,  you can use this hassle-free, 8-way method  to  transfer  OVO to GoPay.

Pay attention when you want to send money through this method. Because the balance of scoring funds can not be sent. So the money to think about this  is only from OVO money  . Meanwhile, the points pool itself is a prize scored by users with certain promotions or programs.

is charged transaction process

In fact, since  2019 in  December,  this OVO online wallet transaction  will  be charged around Rp.2500.   Hassle-free transactions like  these 8 ways  to  transfer OVO to  GoPay let  customers  know  the  right steps, so the process runs smoothly. But even if you use the charges for the process, it’s not too expensive.

Especially if customers use banks with  a greater  cost burden.   As for the time it  takes when t  r’nnsaksi ovo balance  itself runs,  neither is long. Since it  uses an internal connection, the path is also faster and straighter. You don’t have to wait long for the abundant balance to increase.

For those of you who want to carry out this process, make sure you know the things that need to be considered so as not to be mistaken in transactions. Indeed, this virtual wallet itself is increasingly using. Thus, more information will help you make the service easier to use.

If you are still confused about things about the virtual wallet of OVO, you can ask the call center directly via 1-500-696. We will serve customers 24 hours a day every day. There are non-complicated steps like 8 ways  to  transfer OVO to GoPay that  can be done with just the palm of your hand.

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