Early payments given by Gojek phave drivers : KABARGOAL

Gojek Income How to Calculate it bagi Driver

How is the gojek income calculated? This question often has to be expressed by those who don’t know the driver’s working system.Being a taxi driver on an online bike itself has begun to be in great demand.In Indonesia, there are many platforms that satisfy the needs of motorcycletaxi online.However, gojek has the highest popularity.

That is because, Gojek is the first platform to spread in Indonesia. The age of the gojek is actually new to a large company. The first time the company was founded in 2010. One of its founders is Indonesia’s current education minister, Nadiem Makarim.

Now, Gojek itself already has many companies. With the complete package, the company’s development is believed to continue to occur in the next few years. If you want to be a driver, it is perfect to work there. For the question of how to calculate the gojek income, this is a complete explanation.

Early payments given by Gojek phave drivers

The pay system provided by Gojek can be said to be very profitable for drivers. When a driver focuses on attracting a passenger, the money he will get can be very large and even up to a million rupees a month. For payments to be paid on their own, there are differences in prices during peak periods and normal hours.

If you ask the gojek income how to calculate it , at the peak the driver will earn 2.5 thousand rupiah for every KM has passed.While in normal hours, only 2 thousand rupees for every KM pass.When a person is industrious, up to 20 orders a day.

Now, imagine if the order was 5 km away with 10 times in regular hours and 10 times in the final hour. This means that on a single level, drivers can earn a profit of 12.5 thousand from the maximum hours and 10 thousand from the average hour. Each time it goes on ten times.

Consequently, his daily income reached 225 thousand because it came from a peak of 125 thousand and 100 thousand ordinary hours. The driver himself would receive a daily bonus of up to 50 thousand rupees if he received more than 16 orders. With his total daily income of 275 thousand.

If in a month the driver works 30 days, then his income alone is 8.25 million rupees. This number is very large if it can continue to be consistent every day. But according to some drivers, such income is not always the case. In the world of online bicycles, there are often some conditions whereg feeding is quiet.

But according to drivers, it is often full that it is hard for passengers to rest if they continue to open their next account. Such conditions are where drivers will gain large profits.   It certainly is not income how to calculate it  .

Good if you choose to be a driver

If you look at the explanation above, obviously being a driver gives people the possibility of getting paid up to 8 million rupees a month. Of course, this amount is not easily available. Only large companies can give such a big pay check to their employees.

In addition, the amount is based on questions about how to calculate the proceeds of the gojek.Therefore, this number is actually proven to be obtained by drivers.The other benefit when participating in the online bike business is in the bonuses received.Please note that the bonus from the gojek is very large.

Above it is explained that bonuses up to 50 thousand rupees a day if you get orders more than 16 times. After all, the bonus amount is even greater. The driver gets a bonus when he works consistently every day and for other things.

The amount he received varied as well. Indeed, the more perseverance the driver has, the more benefits he will receive. If you look at the initial question about the income of the gojek method of calculation, it feels like the amount of income that might be achieved will meet all the demand.

But even so far, the gojek remains interested in the safety of the driver. One of the main points of this story lies in the presence of insurance. With all kinds of unwanted problems can help solve it by insurance. The availability of insurance also does not make it necessary for drivers to pay for the installation.

Insurance includes discounts made by drivers in each order. So the reduction in order fees made by Gojek was paid by several percentage points for insurance purposes from drivers. This is certainly helpful considering that some large companies still don’t provide insurance to their employees.

Simple advice to get orders despite having multiple competitors

When the question of how to calculate it is answered , everyone recognizes that the potential benefits are very large; however, these potential benefits must be accompanied by the recognition that there are many other rivals around you.In the gojek, the order itself is applied to the bidding system.

The system enables ojol to compete with other ojol to be selected when orders come. Typically, anyone who takes orders before is selected to work in order. So, there are some simple suggestions so as not to compete with other ojol.

The first advice is on the phone you have. Try to have a phone with a high definition. When phones are highly specific, the potential for winning orders is even greater. That’s because, a bad possibility such as delai when receiving a command will be smaller.

Always keep in mind that the number of orders is very important in the question of how to calculate the proceeds of the gojek, how to calculate.  If the number of orders is small, of course, the amount received will also be reduced.As a suggestion, make sure the phone has 3 GB of RAM and above.In addition, use a 4G sim card and above.

Don’t forget to focus on rating as an ojol. The higher the ojol rating, the greater the ability to benefit. The first suggestion to increase the rating is in readiness to receive an order. Make no mistake in refusing orders.

Gojek does not think if you do that. However, this reduces the number of orders received next. Also make sure to provide the best service to passengers. Passengers will rate after using the service so their comfort must be considered.

Contact for more information

It seems that the question of whether to calculate it is clearly answered.But if you have more questions, you can come directly to the official office, please note, gojek has no call service for the general public.

If someone contacts and replaces the gojek, it is certain that the person has lied. But there is no need to be confused, the official gojek offices are already in place in cities. Or you can also contact him by using the live chat feature in the application.

It was the right decision to join and be part of the gojek. The potential for profits is huge and development is happening more often. More and more of its own properties are here with the presence of gosend, gomassage, and goauto. In addition, the income is large and has been answered by the income of the gojek method of calculation.


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